The software for waste optimization
Efficient calculation and minimization of waste when processing customer orders
For customer orders involving the cutting of construction timber, glued laminated timber (glulam) or solid structural timber (KVH), the question regularly arises as to the lengths of stocked whole pieces from which the items should be cut in order to minimize waste. On the other hand, the waste produced must be calculated in order to determine a total price for the customer order.
The waste optimization program Tourbo.cut is an efficient and cost-effective software for calculating and minimizing waste in the long timber sector and for strengthening customer loyalty. You can distribute the program with its stock items and lengths stored in a database to your customers, who can use it to calculate their order requirements.
Input functions:
- Input of the article and the dimension
- Input of sawing losses
- Input of the sales price per m³
- Input of the ordered quantity per dimension
- Input of customer data
Output of the following information:
- Optimal lengths of the whole pieces for the cuts
- Determination of residual quantities
- Total consumption
- Proportion of waste from the order
- Total price of the customer order