Tourbo.order – Purchasing optimization software

Order the right goods, in the right quantity, at the right time with optimal order suggestions at the click of a button


In procurement, the retail value chain is initially controlled. With Tourbo.order, you can keep an eye on all the important factors at the same time and generate orders automatically. Tourbo.order automatically determines when and how much needs to be ordered for each item, taking availability and cost-effectiveness into account.



Transparency in the warehouse

Dynamic monitoring of all stocks

Optimal order proposals

  • Daily demand forecasts for all individual items
  • Measurement of replenishment time and fluctuation for each delivery
  • Automatic consideration of sales increases, discontinuation of articles and seasonal fluctuations




Simplification for buyers

Thousands of items are viewed simultaneously

Optimal order proposals

  • Simultaneous analysis of all items ordered from the same supplier
  • Automatic recording of disruptions and unexpected events
  • Replenishment of orders to full loads for a good discount




Optimal order suggestions

Purchase optimization with one click

Optimal order proposals

  • Order suggestions for the entire range at the touch of a button
  • Taking into account the availability and cost-effectiveness of the articles
  • Comparison of costs for delivery to several locations possible




Delivery conditions at a glance

Automatic compilation of a condition- and cost-optimized shipment

Optimale Bestellvorschläge

  • Consideration of individual article and delivery conditions
  • Automatic consideration of costs incurred for each order (e.g. warehousing, interest on capital, handling costs, etc.)
  • Application of discounts only if additional costs are actually lower than expected




The purchasing optimization software

Tourbo.order in video

Watch the video by Martin Reinhardt, Managing Director of Tourbosoft, to find out how easy it is to optimize your orders with Tourbo.order.

The presentation was given at the digital logistics congress of the Gesamtverband Deutscher Holzhandel e. V. (GD Holz) on February 18, 2021.
The congress showed that logistics and the digitalization of processes play a central role in a company's success and are crucial for its future viability.




Purchasing optimization in practice

How the Behrens Group got through the coronavirus shutdown well with Tourbo.order

Thanks to adapted seasonal models from Tourbo.order, the Behrens Group, one of the leading timber wholesalers in Germany, was able to safely overcome the upheavals on the sales and procurement markets during the first phase of the coronavirus crisis.



Further insights into how Tourbo.order works can be found here as a PDF for download.

Arrange a free online presentation of order optimization now!

In a personal meeting, we'll take a look at Tourbo.order together and answer all your questions.

  • What does the software look and feel like?
  • How are the required data entered?
  • How are the order suggestions generated?
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